the weathers been such a killer, seriously.
it so SUPER hot nowadays, that its just
impossible to live without the aircon,
and water. i get so dehydrated easily!
have been drinking lots of water i tell you!
anyway, my dear cheryltan! you better start
drinking more water, so that your nose wont
keep bleeding anymore k!
after school,
headed for the interchange
for lunch at long johns with
cheryltan, mel, connie and beanie.
i kinda got really thirsty after
everything, due to the really hot
weather, cheryltan nicely bought
me a milo freeze! sat there, talking
and stuff, before heading down to
kiddy palace. HAHAH!
walked around kiddy palace, all the toys reminded me of my younger days as a child
please! GOODDDNESSS ME! and i saw this really cute spongebob squarepants stufftoy that can talk, which costs $14.90! OMG! IT WAS SERIOUSLY CUTE! i so wanna get it! :D
later went to the swimming compartment.
all the small size swimming costumes, all the cute little floats and stuff! connie was going crazy over this float, which had this huge tree on the top. she is gonna buy it btw, so that on saturday while we're all tanning all, she'll be sitting on the float, with that tree like thing. GOODDDNESSSS ME! HAHAHAH! everybodys gonna be staring at her. mel, i and all shall just pretend not to know her, and continue with our tanning anyways! but of course, mel said that if we do see her having truckloads of fun on the float, we might join in! (: HAHAHHAH! omg, a bunch of retards we are.
anyway! i know connie is serious about
buying the float. she says she'll most
prob bring it to school tmr to show us.
talking about it;
i cannot wait for saturday!
my song of the day;
green day - boulevard of broken dreams
bring us back to where we were
when life was not this hard but now
looking back, it all just seems so far
so far away.
Thursday, February 17, 2005
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